Our surface finish inspection services help our customers improve the quality and performance of their parts, reduce costs, and increase overall efficiency.
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Surface Finish Inspection Service
At Indicate Technologies, we specialize in surface finish inspections using state-of-the-art measurement systems including CMMs and optical profilers. Our team will work closely with you to understand the specific requirements of your parts to deliver accurate and reliable inspection results.
Our Equipment
We offer surface finish inspections using a range of measurement systems, including CMMs and optical profilers. We work with our customers to determine the best measurement tool for the inspection, taking into account the dimensions of the part, the tolerances, and the required accuracy.
Optical Profilers
Sensofar s-neox
An advanced optical profilometer that uses a non-contact method for high-precision surface measurements. It uses white-light interferometry to capture surface information at a sub-micron level and produces 3D images of the surface under investigation. The s-neox is capable of inspecting surfaces using three different scanning types: confocal, interferometric, and Ai focus variation scanning.
This profiler is commonly used to measure roughness, topography, step height, and other surface features in a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and semiconductors. Its advanced software and hardware features allow for efficient and accurate analysis of surface structures, making it a valuable tool in research, development, and quality control applications.
Confocal Scanning
A non-contact measurement technique that uses a chromatic sensor to measure the distance between the sensor and the object being measured. The sensor emits a beam of light that is focused on a small area of the object, and the light that is reflected back is analyzed to determine the distance between the object and the sensor.
Applications include high-resolution 3D imaging and measurement of small features, such as microelectronics and biological samples.
Interferometric Scanning
A non-contact measurement technique that uses light interference to measure the distance between the sensor and the object being measured. The sensor emits a beam of light that is split into two, with one beam directed towards the object being measured and the other towards a reference mirror. The two beams are then recombined, and the interference pattern is analyzed to determine the distance between the object and the sensor.
Applications inclide high-precision measurement of optical components, flatness and roughness of surfaces, and thickness of transparent materials.
Active Illumination Focus Variation
A non-contact measurement technique that uses a camera to capture images of the object being measured at different focus levels. An algorithm determines which points in each frame are in focus, and an entire image is built up using all in-focus points from all frames. Active illumination is used to get more reliable focus location even on optically smooth surfaces.
Applications include 3D surface characterization and measurement of roughness, waviness, and form errors of surfaces.
OGP Quest 600
The OGP Quest is a multisensor CMM that is designed to measure the geometric characteristics of parts with high accuracy and repeatability. Our machine is equipped with a variety of different sensors, including scanning probes, vision, Feather Probe, Rainbow Probe, and TeleStar Plus TTL laser.
This CMM is used to measure roughness, flatness, step height, and other surface features in a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and semiconductors. Its advanced metrology software allows for the creation of automated inspection programs of part surfaces.
Rainbow Probe
A chromatic confocal sensor that works by measuring the distance to the surface of the part using chromatic aberration. A white light source is used to illuminate the surface, and the light reflected back from the surface is passed through a prism. The different wavelengths of light are refracted by different amounts, allowing the distance to the surface to be determined based on the amount of chromatic aberration observed.
Used to measure the surface roughness and topography of transparent, translucent, fragile, liquid, or easily deformed surfaces.
TeleStar Plus TTL Laser
A partial coherence interferometer laser sensor that works by measuring the interference pattern generated by two laser beams of different frequencies that are reflected off the surface of the part. This interference pattern is analyzed to determine the surface height and roughness.
Used to measure the surface roughness and topography on flat or slightly curved surfaces, including diffuse light scattering and translucent surfaces.
OGP FlexPoint 7-Series
The OGP FlexPoint is a multisensor CMM that is designed to measure the geometric characteristics of parts with high accuracy and repeatability. Our machine is equipped with a variety of different sensors, including scanning probes, vision, and TeleStar Probe.
This CMM is commonly used to measure roughness, flatness, step height, and other surface features of large parts. The FlexPoint's articulating probe allows this machine to inspect the surfaces of parts with complex geometries.
TeleStar Probe
A partial coherence interferometer sensor that works by measuring the interference pattern generated by two laser beams of different frequencies that are reflected off the surface of the part. This interference pattern is analyzed to determine the surface height and roughness.
Used to measure the surface roughness and topography of transparent, translucent, fragile, liquid, or easily deformed surfaces.
Applications and Case Studies
Automotive - 3D Printed Steering Rag Joint
Using our Sensofar s neox optical profiler, we analyzed the surface of a 3D printed steering rag joint for defects and evaluated the surface roughness of a critical contact surface.
Other Measurement Services
Dimensional Inspection
Our multisensor CMMs use contact probes and non-contact vision and laser sensors to measure the geometric features of parts accurately. Our machines can measure parts ranging from small, intricate components to large objects, and we can measure from microns down to single nanometers. We have a range of CMMs with different sizes and accuracies to meet the specific measurement needs of our customers.
CT Scanning
With our partners at RX Solutions, we provide CT (computed tomography) scans to measure both internal and external dimensions of complex and intricate parts. The CT scanner creates a 3D image of the part, enabling us to measure every dimension accurately down to 6 microns.
Reverse Engineering/Product Digitization
Our 3D scanning equipment can accurately measure the shape and size of parts, providing a detailed digital model of the part. Our reverse engineering process can help identify defects, material inconsistencies, and optimize the manufacturing process. This service is particularly helpful when you need to compare the original design to the manufactured part or need to reproduce a part with a specific shape.