
Who is
RX Solutions?

X-Ray systems manufacturer and part inspection service provider, RX Solutions is a highly innovative French company specialized in manufacturing and selling complete X-ray imaging systems. RX Solutions X-Ray and Computed Tomography (CT) systems are widely used for industrial and research applications as well as recognized for their high precision and innovative technology.

Whether for quality control, examination of a component or solving design problems, customers are both manufacturers from all sectors or laboratories and research centers. His particular expertise is recognized in plastic injection, electronics, automotive, watches, aerospace, biomedical, oil and gas.

X-Ray Computed Tomography allows to virtually cut the scanned sample in any orientation for high-resolution visualization and analysis of thin slices at any depth.
One scan allows multiple analyses to be performed: Dimensional measurements, defects analysis, and inspections of inner structures in a non-destructive way.

X-ray CT provides a detailed rendering of all the internal and external surfaces. Point clouds representing the surfaces can be extracted allowing parts to be easily reproduced even when no CAD models are no longer available.
Our CT systems portfolio covers a large scale of analysis, from Micro focus (4 µm) to Nano focus (0.35 µm) depending on the application.

Check out RX Solutions

RX Solutions X-ray radioscopy and computed tomography systems can provide non-destructive 3D characterization of all types of industrial components.

CT Scanners


RX Solutions EasyTom S

Medium size samples.
Maximized uptime.

EasyTom S is a highly configurable CT system. A compact CT system featuring the most desired functionnalities including high resolution, medium-size sample scan & maximizing uptime.

RX Solutions EasyTom

Micro & Nano focus.
Medium size samples.

Easily configurable, the EasyTom is available in various set ups: Micro focus & Nano focus. The dual tube configuration provide the capability to perform Micro focus and Nano focus CT scans.

RX Solutions EasyTom XL

Step-in cabinet.
Large-size samples.

EasyTom XL is the largest system available and comes in a range of configurations: Micro focus, Nano focus and dual tube. This system can house several x-ray generators thus thicker and denser samples can be inspected.

RX Solutions UltraTom

Lab CT system.
Multiple tubes & detectors configurations.

UltraTom has this unique capability to welcome up to three generators at the same time, covering from high power to nano-scale applications.