QC-PLC Measurement Software Prolink - Indicate Technologies


QC-PLC data collection software collects data directly from the registers on the Programmable Logic Controllers on your shop floor. It then sends PLC data directly to QC-CALC Real-Time.

QC-PLC collects PLC support data either on a time interval (such as every 5 seconds) or based on an event (such as changing a value or flag inside the PLC). It currently supports over 95% of the PLC products in the market, and each copy of QC-PLC software can collect data from several PLCs since it is ethernet based.

Be sure to view our other products, such as the SPC Office Buddy reporting software, and the Enterprise Report Scheduler charting software.


QC-PLC works by communicating directly with your PLCs via an ethernet connection. You simply choose the model of your PLC, add the IP address, and create the connection.

Once connected to a PLC, it can be used in spec plans. Each spec plan (like in QC-Gage) contains the trace fields and characteristics to be measured. The spec plans are then activated and run at the interval of your choice.