UltiMaker Cleaning Filament

Cleaning Filament (10 Pack) Accessories UltiMaker - Indicate Technologies

Cleaning Filament (10 Pack)


Using the Ultimaker cleaning filament is the most effective way to unclog and keep print cores in optimal condition. The Ultimaker cleaning filament is used for both print core maintenance and unclogging procedures. We recommend performing regular maintenance once every three months. Unclog the print core if there is no material extruding from the nozzle for at least ten minutes.


Cleaning Filament (Qty 10, 6″ Strips)

SKU: 2297

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Perform a print core cleaning:
Instructions for executing hot and cold pull.

Regular cleaning of Ultimaker print cores is essential to achieve optimal printing outcomes. Occasionally, material can become trapped within the nozzle, leading to deterioration. This issue can result in extrusion complications or a complete blockage of the print core. Certain materials, like PVA and composite variants, are more susceptible to degradation and subsequent nozzle blockages.

To effectively cleanse the interior of the print core, employing both hot and cold pulls is the most effective approach. This technique is advised as a preventive measure based on printing hours or when transitioning between materials with distinct colors or printing temperatures. Additionally, it can serve as corrective maintenance in the event of extrusion difficulties.

Hot pulls are utilized to expel larger portions of deteriorated material from the print core and are essential when a core is obstructed. Subsequently, a cold pull removes any residual minuscule particles, ensuring thorough cleanliness within the print core.

While Ultimaker cleaning filament is recommended, alternative non-flexible materials such as PLA can also suffice.
Warning: Inserting a needle into the nozzle's tip as part of the cleaning procedure is strongly discouraged. This action can lead to burns and potential harm to the print core. This caution holds particularly true for the ruby insert found in the CC Red and DD print cores.


1. Access the print core cleaning procedure on your printer using the instructions below:
For S series printers: Navigate to Preferences → Maintenance → Print head → Print core cleaning.
For Ultimaker 3 printers: Go to System → Maintenance → PrintCore.
2. Choose the specific print core requiring cleaning: opt for either print core 1 or print core 2.
3. Select the desired cleaning material: choose between Cleaning filament or PLA filament.
4. Allow the printer sufficient time to heat up the print core and retract the filament until its end becomes visible within the Bowden tube.
5. Detach the Bowden tube from the print head. Commence this process by removing the clamp clip first, then push down on the tube coupling collet while simultaneously pulling the Bowden tube upwards and out of the print head. Confirm the action to proceed.

Hot Pull

Warning: Utilize pliers to safeguard your hands from potential injuries in case the material fractures.
Begin by carrying out the first step, which entails performing a hot pull. Repeat this process several times until a significant portion of the degraded material has been successfully eliminated.
1. Introduce the filament into the print head until you encounter slight resistance.
2. Secure the filament with pliers and exert gentle pressure on the material for approximately 1 second, causing it to extrude from the print core or until further pushing is not possible. Swiftly and firmly pull the filament out directly.
3. Trim the end of the filament you've recently extracted.
4. Examine the color and form of the filament's tip and make a comparison with the provided image below. The objective is to achieve a pristine tip.
5. Recur this process until no more deteriorated material is evident on the cleaning filament's tip. The filament's tip should resemble the clean example shown on the right in the illustration below.
6. Upon obtaining a clean filament tip, manually pass a segment of filament through the print core using pliers, then remove it. Confirm to proceed.

Cold Pull

If you are content with the outcomes of the hot pulls, proceed to the cold pull(s). In this phase, the nozzle temperature will be lowered to completely extract all deteriorated material from the nozzle's interior. You can carry out this step once or repeat it until achieving a successful result.
1. Insert the filament into the print head until you encounter resistance.
2. Secure the filament using pliers and gently exert pressure to extrude a portion of the material. Confirm to proceed.
3. Sustain pressure on the filament using the pliers throughout the duration indicated by the progress bar.
4. Release the filament and wait until the print core has sufficiently cooled down.
5. Seize the filament with pliers and execute a swift, forceful pull to remove it. Confirm to proceed.
Examine the tip of the filament and ascertain if it exhibits a clean, cone-shaped appearance resembling the example to the right. If this criterion is met, confirm to proceed. However, if the tip still retains a significant amount of degraded material, initiate another round of hot or cold pull as necessary.
If there is an excessive amount of carbonized material present, perform another round of the hot pull.
Nearly clean; proceed with an additional cold pull.
The filament's tip is entirely clean. You can now move forward with the reassembly process.


After successfully cleaning the interior of the nozzle, reinsert the Bowden tube(s) to enable you to resume printing.
1. Introduce the Bowden tube into the print head.
2. Fix the tube securely by attaching the clamp clip. Confirm to proceed.
3. Allow the printer to complete the cleaning procedure.