ESD Resin (Form 3) 1 L - Resin - Formlabs - Indicate Technologies

ESD Resin (Form 3) 1 L

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Increase the operational efficiency and improve the yield of your electronics manufacturing lines with ESD Resin, a cost-effective solution to create custom ESD-safe production tooling.

Use ESD Resin to prototype and validate electronics production workflows, print static-dissipative parts that repel dust and powder, and create enclosures to protect sensitive electronics from static discharge.

Support print resolutions: 100 µm and 50µm

Post-curing required

    • 1 L
    • 5 L
    SKU: RS-F2-ESDS-01





    120 FPS

    Scanning Speed

    Stunningly accurate models – every time

    With super high accuracy, solid tracking, and dedicated modes for complex geometries, the Artec Point 3D scanner captures high-resolution metrology data you can count on.

    Technical Specifications

    View All Specs >

    Scanner Type — Handheld
    3D Light Source — Blue Laser, Class II (Eye-Safe)
    3D Point Accuracy — 0.02mm (0.0008 in)
    Volumetric Accuracy, up to —  0.015 mm + 0.035 mm/m (0.0006 in + 0.0014 in/ft)

    0.015 mm + 0.015 mm/m with Artec Metrology Kit (0.0006 in + 0.0006 in/ft)
    Weight —   570 grams (20.1 oz)
    Scanning rate, up to —    2.8 million measurements/s
    Capture rate, up to —    120 FPS
    Scanning Area —    700 x 600mm (27.6 x 23.6in)
    Depth of field —    550 mm (21.7 in)
    Size of Scanning object / area —   S-L
    Certification —   ISO 17025 accredited based on VDI/VDE 2634 & JJF 1951