BioMed Amber Resin (Form 3) - Resin - Formlabs - Indicate Technologies
BioMed Amber Resin (Form 3) - Resin - Formlabs - Indicate Technologies

BioMed Amber Resin (Form 3)

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Formlabs is committed to ensuring every medical facility has access to the latest tools to improve care and provide the best patient experience.


BioMed Amber Resin is a strong, stiff material for biocompatible applications requiring short-term skin or mucosal membrane contact. Parts printed with BioMed Amber Resin are compatible with common solvent disinfection and sterilization methods. BioMed Amber Resin is manufactured in our ISO 13485 facility.


BioMed Amber Resin is suitable for strong, rigid parts such as functioning threads.


Supports print resolutions: 100 µm and 50µm
Post-curing is required.

  • 1 L
  • 5 L





120 FPS

Scanning Speed

Stunningly accurate models – every time

With super high accuracy, solid tracking, and dedicated modes for complex geometries, the Artec Point 3D scanner captures high-resolution metrology data you can count on.

Technical Specifications

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Scanner Type — Handheld
3D Light Source — Blue Laser, Class II (Eye-Safe)
3D Point Accuracy — 0.02mm (0.0008 in)
Volumetric Accuracy, up to —  0.015 mm + 0.035 mm/m (0.0006 in + 0.0014 in/ft)

0.015 mm + 0.015 mm/m with Artec Metrology Kit (0.0006 in + 0.0006 in/ft)
Weight —   570 grams (20.1 oz)
Scanning rate, up to —    2.8 million measurements/s
Capture rate, up to —    120 FPS
Scanning Area —    700 x 600mm (27.6 x 23.6in)
Depth of field —    550 mm (21.7 in)
Size of Scanning object / area —   S-L
Certification —   ISO 17025 accredited based on VDI/VDE 2634 & JJF 1951